In our conversation last night Dan and I discussed the idea of 15 miles a day with no zeros putting us at a finish date of August 7th. The idea of no zeros was clearly out of the question, and Dan wanting to finish in the end of July, the pace had to be quickened.
Feeling pretty exhausted and beat up after yesterday's mileage, this morning is slow. All the sectioners are long gone by the time I am finished eating and on the trail at 9:30. My journal says very little about the hiking today. Grease and Live-n-Learn caught Dan and I around lunch, which apparently took place at Jenny's Knob Shelter. I can only assume that the hiking was easy and care free. HAHAHA.
Bridge over the creek Kimberling |
Around five, Live and I reached a bridge and a road. AWOL's guide informed us that Trent's Grocery (a must stop for thru hikers) is only a half mile away. After a short walk I indulged myself to two cheeseburgers from the short order menu and a 6-pack of PBR to go.
The grocery has showers, laundry, and camping on site here but we consensus to hike a few more miles down trail. This plan soon becomes a night hike and what would turn into revenge of the "Freaks Comes Out at Night" headlamp strobe party. The popular 1980's hip-hop song was some becoming our night-hiking anthem.
At a quiet footbridge near mile 609, Sunbear, Grease, Handsome Dan, Live-n-Learn, and I found a flat spot to camp. We had a small campfire enjoyed our warm packed out beers, listened to music, and discoursed on the problems facing our planet until midnight.