Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike Journal Day 0

March 4th, 2014 - Day 0
10:45 AM Mom and I drive down to the Amtrak station in Windsor, CT. Emotional departure for her, I am too excited for these feelings. I guess I never had trouble with separation anxiety. I take the local train from Windsor to New Haven. In the hour I spend waiting in the station I feel a little weird toting my Vaude backpack, clad in hiking boots and synthetic clothing. This would be my attire for the next five months. Sweaty train ride through the urban centers of the northeast metro corridor. From the rails you see mostly the neglecting backsides of cities. Washington DC I switch to the south regional train to New Orleans. Its dark. A gentleman from Danville, VA sits next to me. We exchange cordial conversation, He's a professional welder who works all over the US, and most recently in Massachusetts. I have a really hard time trying to understand his accent. This is my first time in the South less a trip to Disney World when I was a small child. He gets off in Danville and I am rewarded with the empty seat next to me. I try to sleep. Still too excited, nervous feeling to get a wink of sleep. Everyday from now on is a complete unknown. I'm on my own... just the way I want it.

N.B. After hiking each day, generally right before or sometimes while I feel asleep I wrote in this journal. While I won't copy it word for word into this blog I am going to try and do a day by day retelling of my experience. 

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