Monday, November 24, 2014

March 26th - Day 22 - Zero Day in Hot Springs, NC
My journal entry today is a bulleted list and reads as follows:

  • Slept in until 9AM
  • Coffee & ate oatmeal 
  • Trip to Outfitter
  • Organized food bag from mail bag
  • Hot mineral bath with 6 dudes
  • Beer & Fire @ hostel
  • Four Fingers is a drunk fool
  • I can't wait to start hiking again
Certainly an interesting look into the mind of a sore, mile-less hiker. Nine AM seems early to my college self but on trail it is inexcusably late. I'm not sure why I wrote that I had my typical breakfast. I believe I got fuel at the outfitter, I went a little OCD before my hike buying gear, so not only was my budget already maxed out but I rarely needed anything other than what I had (less fuel). Maybe I'll do a gear list one of these days. It always took a little time to organized the food I had shipped to myself into a food bag. These early multiple hour events where just practice for the frantic repackings I'd have, like in the pouring rain outside a taco shop in Greenwood Lake, NY, but more on that later. As for the mineral bath, Hot Springs resort has an hourly rate on the hot tubs, so round up the Pabst Blue Ribbon and the dudes. If my memory serves me, Live, Blink, Dorothy, Dan, Grease, Haiku, and myself pile into one of the group tubs. I know that's 7 but whose counting. We take turns jumping into the French Broad River for a system shock. Grease is another very impressive character, certainly in my opinion one of the highest regarded hikers I've met. Hiking mostly with Sunbear their intelligence and wit is unmatched. Grease has to finish by mid-July to attend med school. I respect anyone who can get on trail for 6 months. There are a few fine individuals I would meet on trail, Grease and Sunbear are two of them, that I have the utmost respect for. 

Back at the hostel I meet Gandalf(young) a hiker Rambo talked about who has been in town for 5 days chasing a blonde bartender known simple as Deez Nuts. Four Fingers is in his natural state, stumbling around searching for someone to take to about football or whatever. He shows me how to drunkenly break your cigarette and then repair it without tape. Advice I hope I will never need.

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